Science Behind The Assessments

Science Behind Assessments

Psychometric assessments draw from psychological theories to gauge traits and behaviors, helping us understand individuals' characteristics and tendencies in various context.

Science Behind the Upskillable Assessments:

Big 5 Assessment: The Big 5 assessment is based on the Five Factor Model of personality traits, developed by researchers Warren Norman, Lewis Goldberg, Paul Costa, and Robert McCrae which focuses on Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

DISC Assessment: The DISC assessment is rooted in behavioral psychology and traces back to the work of psychologist William Marston, identifying Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance behavioral styles.

Leadership Assessment: The Leadership assessment is built upon a comprehensive meta-analysis of leadership research spanning from 1940 to 2019, resulting in the identification of 10 core leadership competencies and their correlation with 6 predominant leadership styles.

Values Index: The Values Index is influenced by Dr. Eduard Spranger and Gordon Allport's theories on values and motivations, categorizing individual preferences across dimensions like Beauty and Harmony, Financial Reward, Independence, Influence, Helping Others, Structure, and Knowledge.

Cognitive Assessment: The cognitive assessment is designed by researchers to test task-specific cognitive abilities. This assessment is not based on a single theory but rather on an overall comprehension of the cognitive skills necessary for specific job roles.

Grit: The Grit assessment draws inspiration from Angela Duckworth's research, measuring perseverance and passion for long-term goals, incorporating six key competencies including Perseverance, Achievement Orientation, and Passion.

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