Organizations: Onboarding Process and Features

Organizations: Onboarding Process and Features

As an organization stepping into the UpSkillable platform, your journey to enhancing your team's growth and development begins with a well-crafted onboarding process. Follow these steps to initiate your team members' journey towards self-discovery and progress:

Exploring the Library:

After signing up, you'll be welcomed to the Library—a repository of diverse assessments designed to unlock your team's potential. Click on any assessment card to delve into the details of each assessment.

Assessment Selection:

Upon selecting an assessment, you'll be guided to a dedicated page. Here, you'll find comprehensive information about the assessment, from its purpose to the insights it can provide.

Choosing Your Path:

Here's where you can choose your desired path:

  1. Invite Team: Ready to engage your team? Click "Invite Team" to initiate the process of inviting your team members or colleagues to participate in the assessment.
  1. Take Assessment: Feel the need to lead by example? Click "Take Assessment" to embark on the assessment journey yourself.

Customizing the Assessment:

For those opting to invite their team, the next stop is the "Rename your assessment" page. Choose a name for the assessment you're creating to make it uniquely relevant to your team.

Sharing the Assessment:

After naming your assessment, hit "Next." You'll now find yourself on the "Share your assessment" page. Enter the email addresses of the team members or colleagues to extend the invitation.

Language Personalization:

Tailor the email invitation's language to suit your recipients by selecting their preferred language from the drop-down list.

Sending Invitations:

Ready to empower your team? Click "Send Invitations" after entering the email addresses. A confirmation pop-up will appear, ensuring the accuracy of your invitations.

Assessment Management:

Transition to the "Assessments" page to oversee your creations. Each assessment card provides insights into the number of invitations sent and assessments completed.

Creating More Assessments:

The journey doesn't stop here. Click "New Team assessment" to kickstart the process anew and continuously drive your team's growth.

Your path as an organization is paved with insights, development, and team empowerment. The upskillable platform simplifies the process, enabling you to nurture your team's potential like never before.